Background. The preschool period is a time of intensive changes: physical, motoric, cognitive, emotional and social development of the child. The diet should provide optimal energy andnutrient levels. Due to their properties, some of the dietary components may be particularly important in child development procesess. These include omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D, antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of selected dietary components, the nutritional status and sleep duration in children at pre-school ages (3-6-years old) on their emotional sphere, as well as the cognitive, physical and social development. Material and methods. Anonymous research was carried out among 75 randomly selected children aged 3-6 years old in the Municipal Kindergarten in Ruciane-Nida. Research methods consited of a questionnaire, a 3-day food record, growth charts, and standardized development observation sheets. Software used for evaluation and analysis of obtained results was Diet 5.0. and Statistica 13. Results. It was observed that the increase of the BMI percentile correlated with a lesser social development of children. Children who slept a recommended number of hours presented higher level of cognitive developmnent. High level of cognitive development was more common in children supplementing vitamin D. Higher intake of folates, vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc and copper correlated positively with a higher level of cognitive development. Conclusions. Application of the proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle principles supports a proper child development. All dietary components should be balanced, however some nutrients are of especial significance during the childhood development and therefore their optimal intake is essential for this developmental period.