Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842 fills a gap in Canton Trade scholarship with this new account of France’s near century-and-a-half experience in that trade. From the distinctive features of the Sino-French trade model to vessels and sea routes, from the physical environment of the Pearl River Delta and the structure of the French hongs in Canton to the daily life of traders, the author draws on both French and other archival sources to bring the history to life, and challenges a number of common assumptions about both the French experience and the Canton Trade in the process. The French were early to engage in direct trade at Canton, and their movements were closely watched by their rivals; in addition, their contributions to the trade were both significant and diverse, ranging from the cultural to the nautical. The French East India Company, which was the product of an absolute monarchy, was distinctive for the dominant role played in its operations by the state. Yet this did not prevent legitimate private trade from playing a sometimes surprising role. Written in a reader-friendly style, Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842 will appeal to audiences interested in the Canton Trade, early modern Chinese history, shipping history, and cross-cultural encounters. Appendices provide a list of all known French voyages between 1698 and 1842, as well as a listing of French return cargoes from China in 1766.