In Present communication, the transference of the hybrid nanofluids due to the natural propulsive like shrinkage and relaxation of the flexible walls and the motion has serious applications in several embryonic technologies. Stimulated by the multi-disciplinary development and study in this trend, a mathematical model is suggested to explore the numerical simulation of the hybrid nanofluid flow inside a slant porous cavity to determine the impact of volume fraction, Rayleigh number, heat generation and heat source length and location on magneto-free convective with entropy analysis. The governing nonlinear problem is converted into non-dimensional partial equations via suitably adjusted transformations. Successive Under-Relaxation (SUR) technique has been incorporated to find the solutions of the non-linear problem. Variation in entropy generation and heat transfer characteristic and thermal performance criteria has been noted for various fluid parameters. The results are plotted graphically. The outcomes indicate that the thermal performance reduces more in the case of high volume fraction in comparison with low concentration. The addition of nanoparticles for several Rayleigh numbers causes the thermal performance to be declined.