To evaluate associations of refractive error and heterophoria with best-corrected visual acuity and stereoacuity in a population of healthy young adults.
Data extracted from the Israeli Defense Forces Air Force candidates database was analyzed retrospectively. Myopia and hyperopia were defined as spherical equivalent of ≤ −0.50 D and ≥ +0.50 D. Cylinder of ≥0.75 D was considered astigmatism. Oblique astigmatism was defined as axis between 30°-60° and 120°-150°. Heterophoria of ≥8Δ for near was considered exo- or esophoria.
The study population included 5,491 subjects (75.8% male), with a mean age of 17.6 ± 0.9 years: 2,355 (42.9%) had myopia, 640 (11.6%) had hyperopia, and the rest were emmetropic. Astigmatism was present in 2,006 participants (36.5%), and of those, 619 (30.9%) had oblique astigmatism. Emmetropia was correlated with better best-corrected visual acuity; astigmatism and high hyperopia, with poorer best-corrected visual acuity. A total of 331 subjects (6%) had heterophoria of ≥8Δ; of those, 300 (90.6%) had exophoria and 31 (9.4%) had esophoria. The prevalence of exophoria was higher in the myopic group, and exophoria was not associated with stereoacuity. Esophoria and anisometropia were associated with worse stereoacuity. The best stereopsis was achieved by emmetropic subjects with no astigmatism.
Emmetropia is associated with better best-corrected visual acuity and stereoacuity. Astigmatism and high hyperopia are correlated with poorer best-corrected visual acuity. Exophoria does not interfere with stereopsis, but both esophoria and anisometropia do.