Al/MoO3 nano-thermite is successfully reinforced with MLG (multi-layered graphene) using physical mixing synthesis technique, assisted with ultrasonication. MLG nanoplatelets in the nano-thermite (Al/MoO3) are utilised as an additional fuel to replace the conventional fuel, i.e. Al nanoparticles. The chemical composition and stability of samples are analysed by XRD (X-ray diffraction) and Raman techniques. The FESEM (field-emission scanning electron microscopy) and HR-TEM (high-resolution transmission electron microscopy) analysis revealed the morphology, uniform distribution of MoO3 (metal oxide) and Al, MLG (fuels) and also the contact between constituents of the thermite mixture. DSC (Differential scanning calorimetry) results showed that the exothermic behaviours are affected by the gradual replacement of Al by MLG as a fuel and achieved the maximum energy release of 1220 J/g, which is three times higher than 451 J/g, i.e. energy release in the case of Al/MoO3 conventional nano-thermite.