Abstract Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) have been developed to evaluate the mastery status of individuals with respect to a set of defined attributes or skills that are measured through testing. When individuals are repeatedly administered a cognitive diagnosis test, a new class of multilevel CDMs is required to assess the changes in their attributes and simultaneously estimate the model parameters from the different measurements. In this study, the most general CDM of the generalized deterministic input, noisy “and” gate (G‐DINA) model was extended to a multilevel higher order CDM by embedding a multilevel structure into higher order latent traits. A series of simulations based on diverse factors was conducted to assess the quality of the parameter estimation. The results demonstrate that the model parameters can be recovered fairly well and attribute mastery can be precisely estimated if the sample size is large and the test is sufficiently long. The range of the location parameters had opposing effects on the recovery of the item and person parameters. Ignoring the multilevel structure in the data by fitting a single‐level G‐DINA model decreased the attribute classification accuracy and the precision of latent trait estimation. The number of measurement occasions had a substantial impact on latent trait estimation. Satisfactory model and person parameter recoveries could be achieved even when assumptions of the measurement invariance of the model parameters over time were violated. A longitudinal basic ability assessment is outlined to demonstrate the application of the new models.