P. Maršík,Adam Urbanowicz,Partick Verdonck,Karim Ferchichi,David De Roest,Lutz Prager,Mikhaı̈l R. Baklanov
SiCOH low-k films were deposited by PECVD with variable flow
rates of porogen and matrix precursors and variable substrate
temperature and RF power. Two precursor ratios were chosen
leading to 1) material with higher target porosity around 33%
and target k-value 2.3 and 2) material with lower porosity
around 25% and target k-value 2.5. After deposition, the
samples were UV-cured on temperature above 400 C in nitrogen
ambient. Two types of curing lamps were used for the
experiments: 1) lamps A emitting photons with energies higher
than 6.5 eV (190 nm) and 2) lamps B with photon energies below
6.2 eV (200 nm). For all properties evaluated, irradiation at
wavelengths below 190 nm resulted in more pronounced changes
than at longer wavelengths. Lamps A provide fast decrease of
porogen content, conversion of the Si-O-Si bonds from cage to
network. However, degradation of Si-CH3 bonds is significant,
as well as formation of H-SiO (Si-H) bonds and amorphous carbon
like porogen residue. Lamps B provide more slow porogen
removal, do not decrease Si-CH3 concentration and leave less
porogen residues. Application of UV ellipsometry (138 nm -165
nm) for the low-k films, pure matrix material and pure porogen
allowed obtaining additional results important for discussions.
These findings are well confirmed by quantum-chemical