In this letter, high selectivity bandpass filters (BPFs) using folded stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) are proposed based on substrate-integrated suspended line (SISL) platform. It is easy to change the position of transmission zeros (TZs) by controlling the strength of electric/magnetic coupling, separately. Also, the structure is compact with double-layer wiring and via holes. To validate the proposed method, two SIR electromagnetic coupling BPFs are implemented on FR-4 substrates. The rectangular coefficients (BW $_{{20\, \text {dB}}}$ /BW $_{3\, \text {dB}}$ ) of the second-order and the fourth-order filters are only 2 and 1.3, respectively. In addition, air cavity, metal shielding wall, and substrate excavation methods also dramatically reduce the loss in substrates.