We hypothesized that enhancing glycocalyx preservation would reduce endothelial damage in lung grafts during ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) leading to better transplant outcomes. In this study, we characterized the effects of inhibiting heparanase (HPSE), an enzyme responsible for glycocalyx shedding, on lung quality during EVLP.Human clinical EVLP perfusate from lung graft patients was utilized to identify a potential association between glycocalyx integrity in grafted lung tissue and clinical data. In addition, we performed pre-clinical studies in which rat lungs underwent normothermic EVLP for 4 hours with/without HPSE inhibitors, heparin (1,000-U/h) or heparastatin (SF4; 1-μM), added to the perfusate. After 4-hours EVLP, left lungs were transplanted into syngeneic rats then evaluated for graft quality 2-hours after reperfusion.Clinically, increased degradation of syndecan-1 was identified in dysfunctional grafts during EVLP. Levels of heparan sulfate in perfusate after EVLP were associated with incidence of graft dysfunction after transplantation. In the pre-clinical rat study, SF4 effectively inhibited HPSE activity, and significantly attenuated dissociated glycocalyx levels, endothelial dysfunction, edema, and inflammation in lungs during EVLP compared to both controls and heparin groups. High-doses of heparin demonstrated markedly increased perfusate syndecan-1 concentrations and deteriorated lung quality during EVLP compared with controls. Post-transplant graft function and inflammation were significantly improved in SF4-treated group compared to those in both control and heparin-treated groups.This study demonstrated that HPSE activity inhibition by SF4 can improve graft preservation during EVLP by protecting the glycocalyx and endothelial function, leading to better lung function following transplantation.