The anisotropy of yield strength of additive manufactured (AM) Al-Mn-Sc alloy is attributed to the diverse distribution characteristics of grain size, aspect ratio and orientation. This work focus on controlling the yield strength and anisotropy of AM aluminum through microstructure design. In this work, microstructures information of laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) processed Al-Mn-Sc alloys were obtained by electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The impact of grain size, aspect ratio and orientation on strength and anisotropy are quantitatively researched through modeling. Base on quantitative effect of orientation on strength and anisotropy, all microstructure partition schemes are calculated by MATLAB. Microstructure partition schemes of alloy with low anisotropy and high yield strength were predicted and simulation was enforced to certify the credibility of predication. Local stress in grain and orientation variation during deforming were obtained by simulation. It is concluded that the impact of orientation is more obvious than grain size and aspect ratio. Compared with strength and anisotropy obtained by simulation, the prediction of calculation shows fine precision. The impact of microstructures on mechanical properties and the reliability of modeling were verified.