This study examines the intersection of green technology systems and digital economy innovations to promote sustainable development. The primary objective is to understand how digital innovations enhance the effectiveness of green technologies and their impact on sustainability. Utilizing a cross-sectional dataset, we conducted an ANOVA analysis to evaluate the relationship between digital innovations and various green technology applications across different sectors, including renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management. Our findings reveal significant positive impacts of digital innovations on the performance and adoption of green technologies. In renewable energy, smart grids and blockchain for energy trading have led to improved energy management and efficiency. In sustainable agriculture, IoT-based precision farming and AI-driven crop monitoring have resulted in increased productivity and resource optimization. In waste management, digital platforms and AI for waste sorting have enhanced recycling rates and waste monitoring. The analysis identifies key challenges such as technological integration, economic barriers, and regulatory issues, but also highlights numerous opportunities for growth, particularly in policy development and collaborative efforts between governments, businesses, and the tech industry. The study underscores the critical role of digital transformation in driving sustainable practices and offers policy recommendations to support the integration of digital and green technologies. In conclusion, this research demonstrates that digital economy innovations significantly contribute to the advancement of green technology systems, promoting sustainable development and offering a pathway for future growth and environmental stewardship. The findings are significant for policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers aiming to foster sustainable development through technological innovation.