Objective To examine the relationship between self-compassion, compassion for others and Burnout in medical students and physicians. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. Medicine students and general physicians from two Colombian cities participated ( n = 359). The Compassion Scales and the Maslach Inventory were administered. An Exploratory Structural Equation approach was used for validating new measures and testing for relationships between latent variables. Results Most participants were students (85.9%), mean age was 22 years (SD = 7), 55.2% were female, 62,6% dedicated more than 48 weekly hours to study or practice, while physicians had worked a mean of 10.34 years (SD = 8.67). Self-compassion and Compassion for others action subscales were validated, but engagement subscales of were not. Participant´s compassion actions for others and self-compassion actions are negatively related to depersonalization and emotional exhaustion, respectively. Additionally, compassion dimensions were positively associated with professional accomplishment. Conclusion Our findings indicate that compassion and self-compassion actions inversely relate to different components of Burnout and could constitute protective factors against the stress of healthcare. Compassion and self-compassion training programs for medical students and physicians might be an alternative to avoid Burnout, diminishing physicians’ depersonalization and emotional exhaustion while enhancing their professional accomplishment.