A plasma-based source named focusing plasma desorption/ionization (FPDI) is described, which applies a high direct current voltage between a metal wire inside a polymeric hollow truncated cone and a piece of a one-sided coated conducting paper substrate. The conducting paper acts as both the counter electrode and the sample carrier. Upon the generation of a visible plasma beam, it would directly ionize the samples spotted on the conducting paper substrate or located around the plasma beam. The signal intensity of target analytes in mass spectrometric analysis is dependent highly on whether the conducting paper substrate is grounded or not, the type of conducting paper substrate, the inside diameter of the polymeric hollow truncated cone tip, the metal wire tip-to-polymer tip distance, the polymer tip-to-paper substrate distance, the applied voltage, and the helium flow rate. Based on the experimental observation, a plausible mechanism is proposed for the generation of the plasma beam from FPDI. Compared to the available low-temperature plasma, flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow, and helium plasma ionization sources, FPDI has demonstrated higher sensitivity and better compatibility with commercial mass spectrometers without any extra power supplies. As a proof of concept, FPDI coupled with a mass spectrometer has also been applied for the discrimination of different brands of gasoline and determination of solid tablets and pesticides with limits of detection in the range of 2.2 to 30.7 ng mL-1.