The accumulation of heterocyclic amines (HAs) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) during different processing stages was investigated in commercial raw materials to plant-based hamburger meats (PBHMs). Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to explore the difference between the samples of each processing stage. The total free HA level accumulated from 4.74-6.63 ng/g in raw plant proteins to 5.81-20.23 ng/g in textured vegetable proteins after extrusion. The concentration of MeAαC increased from 29.23 ± 3.50 to 59.44 ± 0.26 ng/g, resulting in an accumulation of the total protein-bound HAs after cooking at 160 °C for 6 min, but the MeAαC content decreased to 42.26 ± 0.11 ng/g when the heating duration was prolonged to 12 min. An evident accumulation of AGEs was observed during the thermal home-processing of PBHM. The total levels for all HAs were 381.30 and 160.30 ng/g in roast beef patty (RBP) and PBHM, respectively, with RBP having a better amino acid composition pattern. These results may reveal the target processing stage, which should be paid attention to for the inhibition of Maillard reaction derivative harmful products (MRDHPs) in plant-based meat products.