Whether bisphenols, as plasticizers, can influence bacterial uptake of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in natural environment, as well as the underlying mechanism remains largely unknow. Our results showed that four commonly used bisphenols (bisphenol A, S, F, and AF) at environmental relative concentrations can significantly promote transmission of ARGs by 2.97-3.56 times in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1. Intriguingly, we observed ADP1 acquired resistance by integrating plasmids uptake and cellular metabolic adaptations other than through reactive oxygen species mediated pathway. Metabolic adaptations including upregulation of capsules polysaccharide biosynthesis and intracellularly metabolic enzymes, which enabled formation of thicker capsules for capturing free plasmids, and degradation of accumulated compounds. Simultaneously, genes encoding DNA uptake and translocation machinery were incorporated to enhance natural transformation of antibiotic resistance carrying plasmids. We further exposed aquatic fish to bisphenols for 120 days to monitor their long-term effects in aquatic environment, which showed that intestinal bacteria communities were dominated by a drug resistant microbiome. Our study provides new insight into the mechanism of enhanced natural transformation of ARGs by bisphenols, and highlights the investigations for unexpectedly-elevated antibiotic-resistant risks by structurally related environmental chemicals.