Monkeypox virus (MPXV) outbreak in non-endemic countries is a worldwide public health emergency. An enveloped double-stranded DNA virus belongs to the genus Orth poxvirus. A viral zoonotic infection known as monkeypox has been a serious risk to public health, especially in Africa. However, it has recently spread to other continents, so it might soon become a worldwide problem. There is an increased risk of transmission of the virus because there is a lack of effective treatment that cures the disease. To stop the multi-country outbreak from spreading, it is important to discover effective medications urgently. The objective of the current study is to swiftly find new treatments for the monkeypox virus using advanced computational approaches. By investigating five potential MPXV targets (DNA ligase, Palmytilated Extracellular Enveloped Virus (EEV) membrane protein, Scaffold protein D13, Thymidylate Kinase, and Viral core cysteine proteinase), this research was carried out using cutting-edge computational techniques against human monkeypox virus infection. Here we present the accurate 3D structures and their binding cavities of the selected targets with higher confidence using AlphaFold 2 and SiteMap analysis. Molecular docking and MD simulation analysis revealed the top five potential lead compounds with higher binding affinity and stability toward selected targets. Binding free energy calculations and other essential dynamics analysis supports the finding. The selected lead compounds utilizing virtual screening and drug repurposing approach reported in this study are beneficial for medical scientists and experimental biologists in drug development for the treatment of human MPXV.