The effect of heater power control on heat, flow, and oxygen transport for the CCz growth of 8-inch diameter silicon crystal in a triple-crucible was numerically studied. Three different designs of a double-side heater at different power ratios of the lower and upper side heaters (PRSD = 0.25, 1, and 4) are compared with the case of a single-side heater. For the cases considered in the present work, a design in which the upper side heater is shorter than the lower one at PRSD = 0.25 could be a good choice for improving the crystal quality and CCz growth. This is shown by the reductions in the crystal-melt interface deflection and oxygen content and the increase in the melt temperature in the feeding zone. In this case, reducing the interface deflection and crucible bottom wall temperature suggests the potential to enhance the pulling speed. However, the power consumption in this condition is higher than that in the single-side heater case. Achieving a lower heater power is feasible with a higher PRSD value. However, it is important to note that the oxygen content will be higher, and the melt temperature in the outer melt significantly drops.