There are very few integration methods satisfying the explicit displacement formulation, unconditional stability, and higher-order accuracy, simultaneously. This paper proposes a new predictor–corrector explicit (NPCE) integration method with unconditional stability and higher-order accuracy. The NPCE is developed by matching its temporal discrete equation (TDE) with that of a recently developed fourth-order new dual-explicit (NDE) integration method. The accuracy and stability of the NPCE scheme are analyzed. It is found that the NPCE method possesses the same stability property as the NDE method. In addition, the NPCE method can achieve the same accuracy level as the NDE method for the undamped system, and it is more accurate than the NDE method for the damped system. The performance of the NPCE method is illustrated by four numerical examples. Some representative integration methods are adopted for comparison. The results indicate that the NPCE method has excellent accuracy with low relative absolute and squared errors.