Gopal Warutkar,Nilesh Ugemuge,Khushbu Sharma,Renuka Nafdey,S. V. Moharil
AbstractNd3+ doped vanadate phosphors are well known, mainly for their suitability for solid-state laser applications. Garnet structures are also explored for such purposes. LiCa3ZnV3O12 is one of them. Luminescence in this host has not yet been investigated. The luminescence characteristics of LiCa3ZnV3O12:Nd3+ are reported here. Two types of emissions have been observed. The self-activated luminescence could be observed under UV excitation. The characteristic emission of Nd3+ is also observed. Apart from the f–f excitation, an efficient host sensitization of Nd3+ luminescence is observed. The LiCa3ZnV3O12:Nd3+ phosphor showed an intense Near Infrared emission at 1068 nm due to the transition of 4F3/2 → 4I9/2, for 350 nm excitation.KEYWORDS: Photoluminescencevanadate; Nd3+host sensitization AcknowledgementVesta software was used to produce Crystal structure diagrams. We would like to thank the copyright owners for permitting free use.Author contributionsGopal N.Warutkar - Synthesis, N.S.Ugemuge - Manuscript writing, Khushbu Sharma - Manuscript writing and graph plotting, R. A. Nafdey - Rietveld refinement and editing and S. V. Moharil – Basic concept and editing.Competing interestsThe authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.Data availability statementData will be made available on reasonable request.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Additional informationFundingThe authors declare that no funds, grants or other support were received during the preparation of this manuscript.Notes on contributorsGopal N. WarutkarGopal N. Warutkar is a research scholar in the department of physics, Anand Niketan College Warora, Maharashtra, affiliated to Gondwana University Gadchiroli. He did his M.Sc from Nagpur University, Nagpur. His research work is mainly focussed on luminescence and most particularly on luminescence due to Vandate based phosphors. He has attended and Participated in various international conferencesN. S. UgemugeDr. N. S. Ugemuge Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Anand Niketan College, Anandwan, Warora, India. Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor in Physics and guiding 4 Ph.D. students in the area of Material Science specifically in Luminescence. Published more than 22 books and 25 articles in prestigious journals and 40 articles at International conferences. Awarded Master and Ph.D. in Physics, and Ph.D. in Management from R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.Khushbu SharmaDr. Khushbu Sharma is an Assistant Professor at Jhulelal Institute of Technology. Her area of interest is luminescence materials. A good number of international publications and 1 Indian patent are towards her contribution.Renuka NafdeyDr. Renuka Nafdey (Ph.D., Physics) is an academician and professor in Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur since 20 years. Her area of interest are luminescent materials, conducting polymers, polymer composites and their applications. She has contributed a good number of research publications in International Journals of repute. She has been sponsored by DST, Gov. of India, under young researcher category to present her research work at France in 2009.S. V. MoharilS. V. Moharil is a Professor at the Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur (M.S), India from 1984 to 2014. He has guided 36 Ph.D. students and has 318 publications. He has completed 17 projects and has 5 patents. He is a reviewer for Elsevier, IOP, Wiley, Springer, Electrochemical Society, RSC, and ACS journals.