Alexander M. Taylor,Bret R. Williams,Fabrizio Giordanetto,Elizabeth H. Kelley,André Lescarbeau,Kelley Shortsleeves,Yong Tang,W. Patrick Walters,Alfonso Arrazate,Christine M. Bowman,Erin Brophy,Emily Chan,Gauri Deshmukh,Jack B. Greisman,Thomas Hunsaker,D. Randal Kipp,Pablo Saenz Lopez-Larrocha,Danilo Maddalo,Iain Martin,Paul Maragakis,Mark Merchant,Mark A. Murcko,Hunter Nisonoff,Vi Nguyen,Vy Nguyen,Olivia Orozco,C. J. Owen,Levi Pierce,Molly Schmidt,David E. Shaw,Sherri Smith,Éric Therrien,John C. Tran,Jim Watters,Nigel J. Waters,Jeremy Wilbur,Lindsay Willmore
Protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 mediates RAS-driven MAPK signaling and has emerged in recent years as a target of interest in oncology, both for treating with a single agent and in combination with a KRAS inhibitor. We were drawn to the pharmacological potential of SHP2 inhibition, especially following the initial observation that drug-like compounds could bind an allosteric site and enforce a closed, inactive state of the enzyme. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of GDC-1971 (formerly RLY-1971), a SHP2 inhibitor currently in clinical trials in combination with KRAS G12C inhibitor divarasib (GDC-6036) for the treatment of solid tumors driven by a KRAS G12C mutation.