BACKGROUND: Managing intraoperative aneurysm rupture (IAR) during intracranial aneurysm clipping can be challenging given the excessive hemorrhage and limited field of view under the microscope for visualizing the proximal artery and safe temporary clipping. OBJECTIVE: To describe the first known use of robotic arm for safeguarding IAR in microsurgical aneurysm clipping. METHODS: A robotic arm was used to safeguard 3 microsurgical clipping cases (1 pericallosal and 2 middle cerebral artery) performed by a single surgeon. The device was installed onto the side rail of the operating table along with the clip applier attachment. After dissecting the cerebral artery segment proximal to the aneurysm, a temporary aneurysm clip was loaded and established at the appropriate segment before dissecting distally toward the aneurysm. RESULTS: Setup for the robotic arm and temporary clip was simple, quick, precise, and without any unforeseen accommodations needed in all 3 instances. The temporary clip acted as an emergency gate and could be deployed either manually or remotely through a controller. IAR occurred in case 1, and the robotic-assisted temporary clip deployment achieved immediate hemostasis without complications. This method bypassed the need for significant suctioning, packing, and further exploration for safe temporary clipping. Case 2 and 3 demonstrated the feasibility for middle cerebral artery protection and ease of intraoperative readjustment. CONCLUSION: This technical note highlights the feasibility and relative ease of using a robotic arm as a safeguard device, and it enables on-demand control of proximal blood flow and may enhance the safety of microsurgical aneurysm procedures.