This paper proposes a simple ion chromatographic approach to determine trace amounts of perchlorate in river water samples. Determination of the trace perchlorate by ion chromatography typically faces two challenges: interference by matrix ions such as chloride, nitrate, and sulfate in the samples and insufficient detection sensitivity. In the present study, online pretreatment of the samples with an OnGuard II Ba/Ag/H disposable sample pretreatment cartridge prevented the sulfate peak tailing from overlapping with the perchlorate peak on the chromatogram. In addition, the matrix removal enabled as large as 10 mL of sample to be loaded into a high exchange capacity anion concentrator, significantly improving perchlorate's detection sensitivity. The proposed approach achieved a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 0.046 µg L-1 without using a costly mass spectrometer and successfully determined sub µg L-1 levels of perchlorate in river water.