Based on classical karyotyping, structural genome variations (SVs) have generally been considered to be either "simple" (with one or two breakpoints) or "complex" (with more than two breakpoints). Studying the breakpoints of SVs at nucleotide resolution revealed additional, subtle structural variations, such that even "simple" SVs turned out to be "complex." Genome-wide sequencing methods, such as fosmid and paired-end mapping, short-read and long-read whole genome sequencing, and single-molecule optical mapping, also indicated that the number of SVs per individual was considerably larger than expected from karyotyping and high-resolution chromosomal array-based studies. Interestingly, SVs were detected in studies of cohorts of individuals without clinical phenotypes. The common denominator of all SVs appears to be a failure to accurately repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) or to halt cell cycle progression if DSBs persist. This review discusses the various DSB response mechanisms during the mitotic cell cycle and during meiosis and their regulation. Emphasis is given to the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of translocations, deletions, duplications, and inversions during or shortly after meiosis I. Recently, CRISPR-Cas9 studies have provided unexpected insights into the formation of translocations and chromothripsis by both breakage-fusion-bridge and micronucleus-dependent mechanisms.