Acute, repeated inhalation toxicity, respiratory system irritation, and mutagenicity studies of 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134) as the impurity in the pharmaceutical propellant 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFA-134a)
HFC-134 is the main impurity of HFA-134a. In order to verify the rationality of HFC-134 limits in HFA-134a and ensure the safety of HFA-134a as propellant in pharmaceutical metered-dose inhalers, acute inhalation toxicity, seven-day repeat dose inhalation irritation study, 21-day repeat dose inhalation toxicity study and reverse mutation assay of HFC-134 were tested to evaluate its inhalation safety. In acute inhalation studies, Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed nose-only to HFC-134 at levels of 100 000, 200 000, 400 000, 600 000, and 800 000 ppm for 4 h. Based on the mortality incidence, the calculated four-hour LC50 value for HFC-134 is 532 069 ppm for males and 502 058 ppm for females and acute inhalation toxicity is manifested as the lung lobes turn dark red. Exposures to 836 ± 67 ppm for 4 hours/day 7 days/week continuously did not induce local irritation of the respiratory system in Sprague-Dawley rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed nose-only to HFC-134 at levels of 0 (control), 203 929 ppm and 394 871 ppm 2 h/day for 21 consecutive days, no significant treatment-related adverse effects was noted. Results from Ames studies demonstrated that HFC-134 was not mutagenic. Although HFC-134 has a very low acute inhalation toxicity, considering that its acute inhalation toxicity is higher than that of HFA-134a, and due to the high frequency of use of MDI by asthma patients, acceptance criteria of HFC-134 as the impurity in aerosol propellant HFA-134a should be lower than 8-h TWA WEEL value of 1000 ppm to ensure the safety of the MDI.