It remains unknown if hip joint forces during squat tasks are altered in people with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS). The aim of this study is to compare hip joint forces between people with FAIS and healthy controls during double leg squat and single leg squat tasks and within limbs during a single leg squat task in people with FAIS. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected in eight people with FAIS and eight healthy matched controls using 3D motion capture and force plates. AnyBody Modeling System was used to perform musculoskeletal simulations to estimate hip joint angles, forces, and moments for all participants. Estimates were postprocessed with AnyPyTools and converted into normalized time series to be compared using a 1D statistical nonparametric mapping (SnPM) approach. SnPM with an independent samples t-test model was used to compare people with FAIS to controls, while a paired samples model was used to compare involved to uninvolved limb in people with FAIS. Patients demonstrated lower proximodistal force compared to controls (p < 0.01) and compared to the uninvolved side (p = 0.01) for single leg squat. The smaller joint contact forces in people with FAIS compared to controls could represent a strategy of reduced muscle forces to avoid pain and symptoms during this high demand task. These findings when combined with imaging data could help assess the severity of FAIS on hip related function during higher demand tasks.