Article1 October 1932The Typhus-Spotted Fever GroupNOXON TOOMEY, M.D., F.A.C.P.NOXON TOOMEY, M.D., F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-6-4-542 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptAmong plagues of great economic importance, typhus fever has had a long and historically prominent place. Particularly during the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the early decades of the Industrial Era was typhus most prevalent. However, not even today is typhus a whit less devastating than formerly, whenever war, famine or civic commotion gives it an opportunity to override its barriers.Typhus fever has, since 1837, been recognized as a disease entity, an exanthematic entity, without apparent kinship to the other exanthematic fevers, or the other continued fevers of short or long duration. 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To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAuthors: NOXON TOOMEY, M.D., F.A.C.P.Affiliations: Palmyra, Mo.Submitted for publication, July 29, 1932. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byEndemic typhus feverFortschritte der Fleckfieberforschung 1 October 1932Volume 6, Issue 4Page: 542-562KeywordsFeversStarvationTicksTyphus ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 October 1932 PDF downloadLoading ...