Pediatrics InternationalVolume 50, Issue 5 p. 718-721 Changes in blood eosinophil numbers during Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in wheezing and non-wheezing, atopic and non-atopic children Anna-Carla Defilippi, Anna-Carla Defilippi 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 1 Michela Silvestri, Michela Silvestri 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 1 Raffaella Giacchino, Raffaella Giacchino 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 2 Pasquale Di Pietro, Pasquale Di Pietro 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 3 Giovanni A. Rossi, Corresponding Author Giovanni A. Rossi 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalyGiovanni A. Rossi, MD, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, G. Gaslini Institute, Largo G. Gaslini 5, 16147 Genoa, Italy. Email: giovannirossi@ospedale-gaslini.ge.itSearch for more papers by this author 1 Anna-Carla Defilippi, Anna-Carla Defilippi 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 1 Michela Silvestri, Michela Silvestri 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 1 Raffaella Giacchino, Raffaella Giacchino 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 2 Pasquale Di Pietro, Pasquale Di Pietro 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalySearch for more papers by this author 3 Giovanni A. Rossi, Corresponding Author Giovanni A. Rossi 1Department of Pulmonary Diseases, 2Infectious Disease Unit and 3Emergency Department, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ItalyGiovanni A. Rossi, MD, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, G. Gaslini Institute, Largo G. Gaslini 5, 16147 Genoa, Italy. Email: giovannirossi@ospedale-gaslini.ge.itSearch for more papers by this author 1 First published: 22 September 2008 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-200X.2008.02720.xCitations: 4Read the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Citing Literature Volume50, Issue5October 2008Pages 718-721 RelatedInformation