We present a novel approach to still image denoising based on effective filtering in 3D transform domain by combining sliding-window transform processing with block-matching. We process blocks within the image in a sliding manner and utilize the block-matching concept by searching for blocks which are similar to the currently processed one. The matched blocks are stacked together to form a 3D array and due to the similarity between them, the data in the array exhibit high level of correlation. We exploit this correlation by applying a 3D decorrelating unitary transform and effectively attenuate the noise by shrinkage of the transform coefficients. The subsequent inverse 3D transform yields estimates of all matched blocks. After repeating this procedure for all image blocks in sliding manner, the final estimate is computed as weighed average of all overlapping blockestimates. A fast and efficient algorithm implementing the proposed approach is developed. The experimental results show that the proposed method delivers state-of-art denoising performance, both in terms of objective criteria and visual quality.