Most patients with acne have some degree of facial scarring even after their acne resolves, extending the period of psychosocial distress. Unfortunately, management of acne scars remains challenging. Many treatments for post-acne scarring including chemical peels, skin needling, laser resurfacing, surgical repair, subcision lifting, and punch elevation lifting, are limited by moderate and unpredictable results, significant morbidity, and substantial patient investments in time and money. The most recent addition to the armamentarium is tissue augmentation with soft tissue fillers, including a recently approved polymethylmethacrylate-collagen filler. Matching individual patient needs to the appropriate treatment is crucial. While many patients with acne scars have unrealistic expectations about treatment outcomes, open, honest, and realistic dialogue regarding their treatment options and concerns can facilitate realistic expectations. This article is based on a consensus discussion by the authors, who all have experience managing post-acne scarring, as well as the content of a series of live CME-accredited symposia in connection with major dermatology meetings.