Cueing types do not have an effect on implicit memory with sustained attention.Sustained attention is ruled out, cue types have an effect on implicit memory.Static cues have better results on implicit memory compared to dynamic cues. Cognitive-based individual differences, among which are attention and attention design, play a crucial role in designing personalized e-learning environments. In this study, the effects of dynamic and static cue types presented to users in e-learning environments on implicit memory performance of individuals with different sustained attention levels are investigated. The statistical analyses suggest that the contextual cues prepared in different presentation types do not have a common significant effect on implicit memory performance of individuals with high or low sustained attention levels. Besides it is determined that the cues presented in two different forms, i.e. dynamic and static, has an effect on participants' implicit memory performance as long as sustained attention is ruled out. Better results obtained by static cueing compared to dynamic cueing, on the other hand, is important for learning environment design for individuals experiencing attention deficit.