Learning systems must constantly decide whether to create new representations or update existing ones. For example, a child learning that a bat is a mammal and not a bird would be best served by creating a new representation, whereas updating may be best when encountering a second similar bat. Characterizing the neural dynamics that underlie these complementary memory operations requires identifying the exact moments when each operation occurs. We address this challenge by interrogating fMRI brain activation with a computational learning model that predicts trial-by-trial when memories are created versus updated. We found distinct neural engagement in anterior hippocampus and ventral striatum for model-predicted memory create and update events during early learning. Notably, the degree of this effect in hippocampus, but not ventral striatum, significantly related to learning outcome. Hippocampus additionally showed distinct patterns of functional coactivation with ventromedial prefrontal cortex and angular gyrus during memory creation and premotor cortex during memory updating. These findings suggest that complementary memory functions, as formalized in computational learning models, underlie the rapid formation of novel conceptual knowledge, with the hippocampus and its interactions with frontoparietal circuits playing a crucial role in successful learning.