Vanillic acid (VA), as a plant-derived phenolic acid compound, has widespread applications and good market prospects. However, the traditional production process cannot meet market demand. In this study, Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was used for de novo biosynthesis of VA. Multiple metabolic engineering strategies were applied to construct these P. putida-based cell factories, including the introduction of a Hs-OMTopt, engineering the cofactor S-adenosylmethionine supply pathway through the overexpression of metX and metH, reforming solubility of Hs-OMTopt, increasing a second copy of Hs-OMTopt, and the optimization of the fermentation medium. The resulting strain, XCS17, de novo biosynthesized 5.4 g/L VA from glucose in a fed-batch fermentation system; this is the highest VA production titer reported up to recently. This study showed that P. putida KT2440 is a robust platform for achieving the effective production of phenolic acids.