The use of multi-rotor UAVs in various industries is becoming increasingly popular, and the implementation of utilizing fuel cell technology for power has been recognized as a strategy to improve flight times beyond what is currently possible with lithium batteries. This paper proposes a study of the influence of fuel cell system technologies on the design of UAVs by focusing on the reduction of the total fuel cell weight, the propulsion power, fuel consumption and endurance, this might improve the efficiency of drones. For this study, an X8 multirotor drone powered by proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell power module with a maximum total weight of 25 kg has been selected as a case study. In addition, a different types of fuel cells equipped with a 7.2 L hydrogen tank pressurized to 300 bar are analyzed and evaluated to improve their characteristics and to determine the most suitable option for the UAV. Based on the results, the optimal fuel cell technology for powering the UAV is identified and it stands out among the various options evaluated. The Aerostak 2000 fuel cell is the selected option among these technologies due to its higher performance properties. Overall, the development and advancement of fuel cell technology significantly affects the performance and capabilities of UAVs.