Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation, pivotal for guiding users to their next interested locale, grapples with the persistent challenge of data sparsity. Whereas knowledge graphs (KGs) have emerged as a favored tool to mitigate the issue, existing KG-based methods tend to overlook two crucial elements: the intention steering users' location choices and the high-order topological structure within the KG. In this paper, we craft an Intention-aware Knowledge Graph (IKG) that harmonizes users' visit histories, movement trajectories, and location categories to model user intentions. Building upon IKG, our novel Intention-aware Knowledge Graph Network (IKGN) delves deeper into the POI recommendation by weighing and propagating node embeddings through an attention mechanism, capturing the unique locational intent of each user. A sequential model like GRU is then employed to ensure a comprehensive representation of users' short- and long-term location preferences. An empirical study on two real-world datasets validates the effectiveness of our proposed IKGN, with it markedly outshining seven benchmark rival models in both Recall and NDCG metrics. The code of IKGN is available at https://github.com/Jungle123456/IKGN.