By studying the motion law of micro-milling cutter teeth, the equation of cutting path was established, the power function relationship between feed speed and horizontal cutting force was derived, and there is critical feed speed, which generates critical cutting force and causes cutter fracture. The aramid fiber reinforced polymer micro-milling simulation analysis was carried out based on Hashin failure criterion in ABAQUS software, and the functional relationship between feed speed and cutting force was verified and solved. The aramid fiber reinforced polymer micro-milling experiments show that at a feed speed of 50 mm/min, there were fewer fiber burrs on the entrance and the section, but more resin powders on the section and lower efficiency. When the feed speed is increased to 700 mm/min, the quality of entrance and section decreases, the feed effect of tool is greater than that of rotation, and the resultant force of horizontal cutting increases to 41.221 N. The power function relationship between feed speed and horizontal cutting force was verified by experiment, with a coefficient of 1.489 and an index of 0.498. The average error of simulation analysis and experiment was 2.062 %, while the error between theoretical value of critical cutting force and experiment was only 5.766 %, with high accuracy.