Atomically dispersed cerium catalysts on an inert, crystalline MgO powder support were prepared by using both Ce(III) and Ce(IV) precursors. The materials were used as catalysts for CO oxidation in a once-through flow reactor and characterized by atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed reduction, among other techniques, before and after catalysis. The most active catalysts, formed from the precursor incorporating Ce(III), displayed performance similar to that reported for bulk ceria under comparable conditions. The catalyst provided stable time-on-stream performance for as long as it was kept on-stream, 2 days, increasing slightly in activity as the atomically dispersed cerium ions were transformed into ceria nanodomains represented as CeOx and having increased reducibility on the MgO support. The results suggest how highly dispersed supported ceria catalysts with low cerium loadings can be prepared and may pave the way for improved efficiencies of cerium utilization in oxidation catalysis.