In the field of radar data processing, track interruption seriously affects target tracking, track fusion, and other tasks. The existing track segment association algorithms have low correlation accuracy in dense distributed or long-time interruption situations. To this purpose, a dense multi-target track segment association (DMTTSA) algorithm is proposed. Firstly, two identical networks based on the multi-head probability sparse (ProbSparse) self-attention are used to capture the long-term dependencies of the tracks. Then, the bidirectional quadruplet hard sample loss (BiQuaHard loss) is constructed to make the tracks belonging to the same targets closer and the tracks belonging to the different targets farther. Finally, DMTTSA takes the closest track pairs in the feature space as the associated tracks and divides the unassociated tracks into the birth and dead tracks in chronological order. Some comparative experiments are carried out to show the anti-noise performance of the DMTTSA, as well as the effectiveness of solving the problem of dense multi-target track interruption.