Food diaries on social media, known as "what I eat in a day" (WIEIAD) content, are increasingly popular across a variety of platforms, and can potentially affect audiences' attitudes and behaviors regarding diet. WIEIAD content is frequently posted by social media influencers (SMI), who have powerful and persuasive effects on their audiences. Using expectancy-value and social norms as theoretical frameworks, this study examines characteristics of SMIs and the way they talk about diet. A mixed-methods content analysis of YouTube vlogs (n = 83) posted from October 2015 to October 2016, and October 2021 to October 2022 was conducted on SMIs who post WIEIAD vlogs. Results suggested that influencers may want to embrace body positivity, but their WIEIAD day content contains weight normative messaging. Furthermore, influencers send messages about what health should look like and assign social identities to specific diets. Aside from sponsorship, influencers use other persuasive strategies to grow large followers, such as listing positive expectancies of their diets. Future research should examine the effects of WIEIAD content on diet-related attitudes and behaviors.