Electric field control of magnetism using ferroelectric materials offers promising applications in low-power spintronics. We have conducted systematic density functional theory calculations to investigate the magnetic properties of epitaxial $5d$ transition metal monolayers on a ferroelectric substrate: $\mathrm{PbTi}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ (PTO). Our study reveals that the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of the osmium monolayer is significantly enhanced to 18.1 meV/Os in the upward polarization state and, moreover, the anomalous Hall coefficient of osmium/PTO film is tunable by reversing the electric polarization of the PTO substrate. Additionally, the electric polarization reversal in PTO rotates the easy magnetization axis of the iridium and platinum monolayers by ${90}^{\ensuremath{\circ}}$, which is attributed to the rearrangement of interfacial charges. Our findings suggest an efficient approach to control the magnetization direction of monoatomic layers and provide valuable insights for the development of low-energy spintronics devices.