High temperature (HT) polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are highly beneficial for high power applications. They can be used in both stationary and portable power devices combining the advantages of the PEM type cells (flexibility in dynamic operation, compactness) and high temperature operation (elimination of fuel humidification and carbon monoxide clean up). This work focuses on the development, construction and testing of an efficient all-metallic HT-PEMFC stack with a power output of 1 kWe. The selection of the proper polymer electrolyte allowed the operation of the stack within the range of 160–190 °C. The Membrane-Electrode-Assemblies (MEA) and all components of the stack were designed and prepared in-house. The fuel cell stack characteristics and performance are affected by many parameters such as the materials, components' design and proper assembly of the stack, as well as the operating conditions. The stack accomplished 50% electrical efficiency with power output of 1070 W and a power density of about 0.18 W/cm2 at 180 °C under pure H2 feed. The same performance was reached with reformate hydrogen feeds. The 1 kW electrical and 1 kW thermal power HT-PEMFC stack presented herein consists of thirty MEAs, metallic bipolar plates and an innovative cost-efficient internal pumpless two-phase equilibrium water-steam cooling. The effective design and construction of the latter secures temperature gradientless and isothermal operation of the stack and the production of high temperature superheated steam, which is an effective carrier of high-quality thermal energy with several commercial and industrial applications.