Ecological risk assessments of agrochemicals have traditionally depended on in vivo guideline tests using northern bobwhite and mallard to provide relevant endpoints for avian species. However, these studies have limitations, including animal welfare concerns, the time and cost involved, limited potential for extrapolation to more realistic exposure conditions, and the lack of mechanistic understanding. The proof-of-concept work presented a case study for thiamethoxam in three avian species, demonstrating the potential of physiologically based kinetic (PBK) modeling to enable dosimetry extrapolations that inform hazard characterization in risk assessment, and reduce the use of avian testing. The model structure for northern bobwhite and mallard contained ten compartments, while an additional ovulation model was included for chicken in the physiological state of egg-laying. The model was first parameterized and evaluated for chicken and northern bobwhite using in vitro kinetic measurements and in vivo toxicokinetic (TK) data. The chicken model was then extrapolated to mallard based on allometric scaling. The models were then used to map the TK profiles across species by simulating internal dose metrics in different avian toxicology studies. These metrics, including peak blood concentrations (C