Objectives: Malnutrition in pulmonary fibrosis may influence clinical outcomes negatively.This project aimed to investigate if weight, unintended weight loss (UWL) at baseline and weight development, and signs of sarcopenia measured by the strength, assistance with the walking, rising from a chair, climbing stairs, and falls questionnaire (SARC-F) are associated with hospital admissions and mortality for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis outpatients in 1 y as well as referral to pulmonary rehabilitation.Methods: At baseline, prevalence of weight and UWL were sought in a cross-sectional questionnaire study, consecutively, including 100 patients in an outpatient clinic.Medical records were sought for time from diagnosis and comorbidities.One year after inclusion weight, UWL and SARC-F were collected by phone interviews, and medical records were revisited for clinical outcomes.Results: Of the 100 patients, two patients died and seven were lost to follow-up.The prevalence of UWL increased within the year (10À13%), and the amount of UWL increased (9.1À11.8kg).Patients with a UWL at baseline had a significantly higher risk of mortality (odds ratio = 29.8;P = 0.037).UWL at baseline was associated with risk of hospital admissions (odds ratio = 14.7;P = 0.009).Based on the results from SARC-F, 20.9% have signs of sarcopenia.UWL at follow-up was associated with the risk of sarcopenia by SARC-F.Patients with risk of sarcopenia and those with body mass index 30 kg/m 2 were to a higher degree offered pulmonary rehabilitation; however, participation was low.Conclusions: UWL at baseline was significantly associated with risk of hospital admissions and mortality in 1 y in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis outpatients.Patients with signs of sarcopenia and body mass index 30 kg/m 2 were most often referred to pulmonary rehabilitation.