Cyclin-dependent kinase 12 (CDK12), a transcription-related cyclin dependent kinase (CDK), plays a momentous part in multitudinous biological functions, such as replication, transcription initiation to elongation and termination, precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) splicing, intron polyadenylation (IPA), and translation. CDK12 can act as a tumour suppressor or oncogene in disparate cellular environments, and its dysregulation likely provokes tumorigenesis. A comprehensive understanding of CDK12 will tremendously facilitate the exploitation of novel tactics for the treatment and precaution of cancer. Currently, CDK12 inhibitors are nonspecific and nonselective, which profoundly hinders the pharmacological target validation and drug exploitation process. Herein, we summarize the newly comprehension of the biological functions of CDK12 with a focus on recently emerged advancements of CDK12-associated therapeutic approaches in cancers.