Alexis Rapin,Eva Maria Rehbinder,Matthew Macowan,Céline Pattaroni,Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen,Nicola L. Harris,Christine Monceyron Jonassen,Linn Landrø,A. H. Lossius,Björn Nordlund,Knut Rudi,Håvard Ove Skjerven,Anne Cathrine Staff,Cilla Söderhäll,Niki Ubags,Riyas Vettukattil,Benjamin J. Marsland
Early-life microbial colonization of the skin may modulate the immune system and impact the development of atopic dermatitis (AD) and allergic diseases later in life. To address this question, we assessed the association between the skin microbiome and AD, skin barrier integrity and allergic diseases in the first year of life. We further explored the evolution of the skin microbiome with age and its possible determinants, including delivery mode.