This model targets to specify the welcoming attitudes of residents towards tourists through place personality, place attachment and self-congruity amidst Covid-19 Pandemic. A whole range of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied to the variables. Following the First Level Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the validity and reliability of the variables were evaluated. Then CFA, Structural Equation Modeling was performed with the remaining variables. Results show that the sincerity (21%) and excitement (32%) affect the residents’ welcoming attitude through selfcongruity and place attachment; and the competence (21%) directly affects the welcoming attitude. While place attachment (11%) directly affects the welcoming attitudes, self-congruity (53%) indirectly affects the welcoming attitudes. Also, selfcongruity affects the welcoming attitude through place attachment. Another significant result is the strong effect (45%) of self-congruity on place attachment. Some studies revealed locals adopted a negative attitude towards tourists during the pandemic while others indicated locals adopted positive attitudes towards tourists. Within this context this study, as addressing this controversial issue contribute to the development of more sustainable plans and policies by destination management organizations.