Attempts to determine why some patients respond to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are valuable in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is associated with aberrant dynamic functional architecture, which might impact the efficacy of ECT. We aimed to explore the relationship between pre-treatment temporal variability and ECT acute efficacy. Forty-eight patients with schizophrenia and 30 healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine whether patterns of temporary variability of functional architecture differ between high responders (HR) and low responders (LR) at baseline. Compared with LR, HR exhibited significantly abnormal temporal variability in right inferior front gyrus (IFGtriang.R), left temporal pole (TPOsup.L) and right middle temporal gyrus (MTG.R). In the pooled patient group, ∆PANSS was correlated with the temporal variability of these regions. Patients with schizophrenia with a distinct dynamic functional architecture appear to reveal differential response to ECT. Our findings provide not only an understanding of the neural functional architecture patterns that are found in schizophrenia but also the possibility of using these measures as moderators for ECT selection.