Single nucleotide variants in CYP2C19*2 are associated with clopidogrel resistance in coronary heart disease. In order the guidance the dosage of drug and personalized medicine, blocker displacement amplification was first used to specific amplify G site and A site alleles. For electrochemical strategy, forward primers were labeled electrochemical active methyl blue and ferrocene, generates signals on -0.26 for G site and 0.22 V for A site. For lateral flow strip assay, primers with specific modification were used to generates unique color in test line 1 for G site and test line 2 for A site. In conclusion, we developed a sensitive screen-printed carbon electrodes based electrochemical sensor and gold nano particle based lateral flow strip assay strategy to successfully genotyping CYP2C19*2 GG, GA and AA genotype. The proposed method can realize CYP2C19*2 analysis from multiple biological samples including whole blood, buccal swab, saliva and hair root, and showed good consistency with Sequencing. Due to the fact our proposed strategy merely relies on thermal cycler instrument and visual strip detection, this platform shows great potential in source-limited regions genotyping.