The current study aimed to translate the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) into Mandarin Chinese and explore its psychometric properties with college students from the Chinese mainland. In Study 1 (N = 840, 415 women, 425 men), an exploratory factor analysis upheld the unidimensional factor structure of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2, and McDonald's omega supported the internal consistency reliability of its scores. Evidence of construct validity of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 was also accrued via its positive correlations with self-esteem, self-compassion, and body satisfaction as well as negative correlations with BMI, weight discrepancy, negative affect, and body surveillance. Its negative correlation with eating disorder symptomatology and negligible correlation with impression management supported its criterion-related validity and discriminant validity, respectively. Additionally, the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 contributed unique variance in eating disorder symptomatology and self-esteem beyond the variance explained by BMI and other body satisfaction measures, providing evidence of incremental validity. Study 2 (N = 522, 322 women, 230 men) confirmed its unidimensional factor structure, upheld the internal consistency and stability of its scores over a 3-month period, and supported its measurement invariance between women and men. Taken together, these findings support the cross-cultural validity of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 on the Chinse mainland.