ABSTRACT Research in cognitive psychology shows that expert clinicians make a medical diagnosis through a two step process of hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing. Experts generate a list of possible diagnoses quickly and intuitively, drawing on previous experience. Experts remember specific examples of various disease categories as exemplars, which enables rapid access to diagnostic possibilities and gives them an intuitive sense of the base rates of various diagnoses. After generating diagnostic hypotheses, clinicians then test the hypotheses and subjectively estimate the probability of each diagnostic possibility by using a heuristic called anchoring and adjusting. Although both novices and experts use this two step diagnostic process, experts distinguish themselves as better diagnosticians through their ability to mobilize experiential knowledge in a manner that is content specific. Experience is clearly the best teacher, but some educational strategies have been shown to modestly improve diagnostic accuracy. Increased knowledge about the cognitive psychology of the diagnostic process and the pitfalls inherent in the process may inform clinical teachers and help learners and clinicians to improve the accuracy of diagnostic reasoning. This article reviews the literature on the cognitive psychology of diagnostic reasoning in the context of cardiovascular disease.