Abstract Analogy learning model is a learning that use analogies, namely comparing concepttarget and concept analog to find related features both of them then make conclusion. The purpose of this research was to know students’ mathematical intuitive thinking ability between students taught with Teaching with analogy model and those taught using a scientific learning. The research was conducted at senior high school in Depok. The method of research used quasi experiment method with posttest-only control group design. The samples are 71 students, they are 37 students in experimental group and 34 students in control group by cluster random sampling technique. Data collection to measure the ability of students’ mathematical intuitive thinking used by test instrument. The result of this research shows that the value of sig.=0,000 less than signification standard 0,05 on hypothesis test. This indicates that the average of students’ mathematical intuitive thinking abilityon teaching sequences and series taught using teaching with analogy model is higher than those taught with scientific learning. This research concludes that learning mathematics using teaching with analogy model has an effect on students’ mathematical intuitive thinking ability.